Coal Resources - Past

A History of the Greta Coal Measures - This site lists the mines in and around the Greta/Cessnock area, with accompanying text and photos for most.

Australian Trade Union Archives

CFMEU Mining and Energy - NSW Northern District History

Hewers of Coal
- 3 video clips from a union documentary about the history coal mining in Australia from the early 1900's

Lockout TV - the story of the Rothbury Riot in an interactive format

Miners Lights and Hats - a virtual exhibition exploring changes in mine safety technology

Port Waratah Coal Services - Brief history of coal and the PWCS.

History of Coal Mining - From the Australian Bureau of Statistics, discusses state and national coal production in Australia.

Union Songs - Includes both historical and modern songs


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Coal Resources - Present

Australian Coal Association - Website for the organization that focuses on advocacy for the coal industry in Australia.

Australian Mining - This site contains news about the Australian mining industry. The link leads to a recent article
'Hunter Valley Coal Still Booming'. 

Australian Government GeoScience - Coal Fact Sheet discussing differences between brown and black coal and how it is mined and processed.

Coal and Allied - Information about the company and their Hunter Valley sites. 

Coal in Australia - A Wikipedia article.

 Hunter Valley Coal Report - Publication to inform Hunter Valley communities about current mining projects and changes in the local mining industry.

Mines Rescue Slideshow

NSW Minerals Council - Mining in NSW site.


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Coal Science and Technology Resources 

Coal Fact Sheet - Australian Government Geoscience 

Coal Facts and Statistics - NSW Minerals Council

Coal Mining Science & Technology - University of Wollongong

CSIRO Developing Techniques for Australian coal mining

Energy in Australia 2012 - with glossary

Mining Methods - An overview of different mining techniques. 

The Magic of Energy - Fossil Fuels

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