
Droughts have often beset the Hunter Valley. For example, on Thursday 24 October 1907, the Singleton Argus reported:

Prayers for Rain
To-morrow is set apart in this district as a day of humiliation and prayer for rain, and a united meeting will be held in the Mechanics Institute, commencing at 11 a.m. A collection will be taken up in aid of the Hospital and Benevolent Asylum, and business people are invited to co-operate, by closing their establishments.

We have discovered a copy of the prayers for the above event in the archives of the Morrison family who were proprietors of Eurie Eurie Station near Walgett, the Singleton ironmongery store and the Budget newspaper.  This is also available as a PDF.

If you have any photos or memories of drought in the Hunter Valley, and would like to share them, please send them to us.

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