Men working on the boilers of engines, South Maitland Railways, 1961. From the Athel D’Ombrain Collection, University of Newcastle, Cultural Collections.
South Maitland Railways
South Maitland Railways Proprietary Limited, was a private company that was used as a common carrier service for a number of mines. It was based at East Greta Junction and served the South Maitland coal fields. It mainly provided coal transport, but also had other goods and passenger services.
South Maitland Railways (SMR) was formed in 1918 when the East Greta Coal Mining and Hebburn companies merged. During its lifetime, it made use of steam engines until 1983, when replaced by government diesel engines. As coal mines have continued in the area, the line is still in use today.
Attenborough, Peter. South Maitland Railways. Matraville, NSW: Eveleigh Press, 2001. Print.

The train on the left (No. 22), is leaving Aberdare Sidings and crossing from the South Maitland Railways Down Main line to the Up Main line while the train on the right (No.31 + another) is stopped at the signal on the South Maitland Railways mainline on the Neath side of Caledonia Station waiting for No. 22 to leave and reach Neath before being allowed to proceed. Courtesy of Brian R Andrews.